• Burleson ISD's debt takes the form of tax-supported bonds.  As a result of outstanding bonded indebtedness, a portion of the District tax rate (the Interest & Sinking, or I&S, portion) is devoted exclusively to servicing these debts. To increase the amount of outstanding bonded debt, the District would have to receive voter approval, through an election, before issuing any new bonds. Burleson ISD does not have any revenue-supported debt or lease-purchase/lease-revenue debt.  

  • Annual Obligation Schedule

    Fiscal Year Ending Principal Interest Total Per Capita (pop 50,216)
    2024 16,955,411 14,237,041 31,192,452  $                             621.17
    2025 7,913,538 14,771,266 22,684,804  $                             451.74
    2026                9,185,000 10,326,129 19,511,129  $                             388.54
    2027                9,550,000 10,856,129 20,406,129  $                             406.37
    2028                9,920,000 10,496,392 20,416,392  $                             406.57
    2029-2033              64,120,000 50,376,016 114,496,016  $                          2,280.07
    2034-2038              83,145,000 22,100,069 105,245,069  $                          2,095.85
    2039-2043              73,760,000 5,770,857 79,530,857  $                          1,583.78
    2044-2047              10,085,000 788,000 10,873,000  $                             216.52
    Total  $        284,633,949 $139,721,899 $424,355,848  $                          8,234.09
  • Total Outstanding Debt Per Capita

    Total Outstanding Tax-Supported Debt