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Community Flyers
Welcome to the Burleson ISD Community Flyers Page. This page will feature approved flyers for local events, activities, and opportunities from our community partners.
- BISD Event Tickets
- Prom Pop-Up Event - February 20-21
Flyers posted on the Community Flyers page in no way constitute Burleson ISD’s endorsement of any agency, group, organization or business. If your organization or agency would like to share information on this page, please fill out THIS FORM and submit a copy of the flyer for approval to
Community Flyer Guidelines
Community, Non-Profit, & Non-School Flyer Approval Process
BISD shares flyers on the district website rather than distributing to students on campus. Approved flyers from non-profit, non-school organizations will be uploaded to the district’s online Community Flyers page, located under the “Our District” tab on the home page of
To submit a flyer for consideration, complete this form and email the flyer to The Communication Department will notify the designated contact when the flyer has been posted, or provide feedback on why it does not meet the requirement for posting.
Please note: all flyers must include the following disclaimer: “Burleson ISD does not sponsor, endorse, or recommend any of the organizations, services, or activities described.”
Exceptions may include enrichment activities for BISD.
Teacher Break Areas
Organizations may request to post notices in teacher break areas. Announcements/flyers are no longer permitted in teacher boxes. These approved requests are subject to approval by the campus principal.
For-Profit Businesses
Flyers that include business advertisements or endorsements from for-profit businesses may not be distributed; however, flyers may be made available in a designated location at campuses with the principal’s approval.
Flyers or coupons with free awards for good behavior, good grades, attendance, etc. may be distributed to students at the discretion of the campus principal. Free With Purchase or Buy One, Get One Free flyers are not approved for distribution to students.
Last revised September 18, 2019